Evidence for Learning* recently produced a guidance report containing valuable recommendations for improving student social and emotional learning, Improving social and emotional learning in primary school.
Below is how YOU CAN DO IT! EDUCATION helps schools improve student social-emotional learning by meeting these recommendations.
Programs explicitly teach social-emotional skills (resilience, confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along), positive attitudes and character strengths. They are integrated into the classroom, school-wide activities, school ethos and parent education.
Beyond Blue – Be You has recognised YCDI! Education programs as best practice in school-based mental health and wellbeing. Additionally, published research affirms the effectiveness of You Can Do It! Educations curricula and approaches.
Provides students with strategies for combatting anxiety, feeling down, anger, procrastination and attentional deficits.BENEFITS STUDENTS
Increased self-awareness, self-management and improvements shown in wellbeing, behaviour and achievement.ADVANCED PEDAGOGY
Aligned with ACARA, every lesson includes Learning Intentions and Success Criteria; activities including videos specifically designed to engage students.HIGH-QUALITY IMPLEMENTATION
Our programs provide all the information needed to help your school to have a shared vision and staff buy-in to the importance of Social-Emotional Learning. We offer a comprehensive professional development elearning course in the theory and practice of You Can Do It! Education. Accountability of program effectiveness is built-in through different surveys, including our free Survey of Student Social-Emotional Skills available on our website for teachers to measure their students’ confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along and resilience.
We have successfully implemented our programs in many urban and rural, large and small schools in all Australian states with students from all backgrounds.
Students acquire a common social-emotional literacy embedded throughout school culture with sequential teaching across early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
* Evidence for Learning is independent funded research, supporting schools to make better decisions about how to use that evidence