
Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

1. I set very big, long-term goals (5-10 yrs.+) for what I want to accomplish.

2. When faced with difficult people and circumstances, I believe it is vital to put in sustained effort to overcome these obstacles rather than being distracted and focusing too much on them.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

3. When I begin work on a project or task, I expect that I am much more likely to be successful than to fail.

4. I see work problems as temporary and something to be solved rather than permanent issues which I can’t do anything about.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

5. I believe that my competence and capabilities at work continue grow through my effort, learning and increased experience.

6. I believe that mistakes that I make can often help improve my job performance.

High Frustration Tolerance

Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

7. In order to be successful in the long-term, it is necessary to tolerate frustration in the short-term.

8. I believe that I have sufficient ‘will power’ to overcome times when I feel un-motivated to complete boring tasks.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

9. When faced with challenges and obstacles at work, I am very open to sharing my creative ideas with others.

10. I have a very free and open approach to considering problems and I believe in the importance of exploring ‘outside the box’ solutions.

Acceptance of Others

Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

11. I accept people I work with even when I disagree with the way they may go about doing their job.

12. When people at work act unfairly or unprofessionally, I do not condemn them as being bad people or inferior.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

13. I know the importance of understanding what someone else is feeling and thinking from their point of view.

14. When someone disagrees with me or is very upset, it is important to listen without interrupting or offering immediate opinions or suggestions.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

15. I know the importance of treating others with consideration and regard.

16. I respect people even when I express critical or negative views of their ideas or aspects of their work performance.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

17. I know that the more I help others achieve their goals, the more likely I will be able to achieve my goals.

18. I believe in the importance of giving consistent and genuine praise for the positive efforts and achievement of others, even to those people whom I don’t particularly get along with.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

19. I understand that people who work together need to give positive feedback concerning each other’s work performance.

20. I believe in the importance of giving and receiving constructive, negative feedback on aspects of each other’s work performance in assertive, non-hostile ways.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

21. I appreciate that my worth as a person is separate from how others value me and from my achievements at work.

22. I realise the importance of not taking things personally.

Positive Self-Regard

Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

23. I appreciate myself as a person.

24. When things are not going well at work or others are critical of me, I am good at reminding myself of my positive qualities.


Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

25. I am true to myself and stand up for what I believe in.

26. What I say reflects my true beliefs about how I see things and what I believe is right.

Positive Focus

Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

27. It is important to be grateful for the good things that people do to help support me rather than focus on what they don’t.

28. It is important to focus on the good things that happen at work rather than the bad.

Healthy Living

Using the scale below each question, indicate how often you put the work belief in action.

29. Exercise, rest and a good diet all lead to a healthy mind and body.

30. I consider it very important for me to spend time with family and friends.

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