Academic Procrastination

How to Motivate Underachieving Students

Presented by Dr Michael E. Bernard
Founder of You Can Do It! Education

4.00 - 5.30 PM (AEST)

This webinar will assist attendees in becoming more aware of the detrimental effects of the pandemic on low frustration tolerance (LFT) and the procrastination, achievement, and wellbeing of young people today.

You Can Do It! Education Procrastination Lifesavers


Michael will identify common rationalisations of students who procrastinate that they need to be aware of and eliminate, a host of procrastination by-pass techniques to teach students and additional things to be said and done to help students overcome procrastination.

Featured will be ways to help academically able and gifted students who procrastinate and underachieve due to fear of failure, perfectionism, and low self-belief. Additionally, Michael will describe strategies that work to help less academically able students who struggle with frustration and give up too quickly on challenging or tedious schoolwork.


Curriculum coordinators, professional development school leaders, classroom teachers, education assistants, academic advisors, and educators who have responsibility for increasing student engagement, motivation and achievement.


Registrants unable to attend the live webinar will be emailed a link to the recorded event.

Dr Michael E. Bernard. Founder of You Can Do It! Education

Dr Michael E. Bernard

Michael has worked closely with children of all ages and their families while counselling at one of Melbourne’s leading private schools.

He is the founder of You Can Do It! Education, a program for promoting student social-emotional wellbeing and achievement that is being used in thousands of schools in Australia and overseas. He received his doctorate in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

He is the author of over 50 books, 20 book chapters, and 30 journal articles in areas associated with peak performance, resilience, parenting, mental health and school improvement.

Michael is exceptionally well-versed in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and Rational Emotive Education (REE). His work has been ground-breaking and preceded by decades the current REE/SEL emphasis in Australia. He is a prodigious worker and has published frequently in standard book/hard copy and, now, electronically. I admire Michael for his personal, ‘human’ qualities of interest, compassion and commitment. I respect him for his enduring application to his goal of making a difference to people’s lives through his work. I commend him as a knowledgeable, relevant, skilful developer of SEL programs for early childhood through to adult and programs in human resource development.
Dr Robert Steventon
Former Principal, Madison Park Primary School
be authentic - how authenticity primes social-emotional learning

Being Authentic Primes Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) can come across as insincere to students if their teachers are not practicing what they are teaching.
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