
07. Attitudes and Behaviours for Learning (AB4L): A Professional Development Program to Offer at Your School


Annual Digital Subscription (GST inclusive)

An online staff development program for conducting in-house by a staff member to relevant teachers. This program is designed for teachers to help students become aware of and learn attitudes and behaviours for learning that they need to stay engaged with classroom activities, including small group work and homework.

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Dr Michael E. Bernard and Margaret Milne

Target Audience

Teachers of primary and lower secondary students, particularly teachers of students struggling with reading


“We have found the You Can Do It program to be of even greater relevance during the COVID-19 remote learning period, in supporting the emotional wellbeing and resilience of our students. Thank you for the great resources!”
Karen Hodgkins
Leading Teacher of Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mount Martha Primary School


You Can Do It! Education Resource Book. What it is. Why we need it. How to do it.

05. You Can Do It! Education Resource Book: What it is. Why we need it. How to do it.

09. Coaching Teachers and Parents to Build Social-Emotional Strengths of Students with Achievement, Behaviour and Mental Health Issues
E1. Social-Emotional Learning for All: Best Practice of You Can Do It! Education Elearning Program
E2. Elearning Program The Resilient Educator
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