
04.a The Successful Mind for School, Work and Life: Leader’s Guide – (secondary years 9 – 12)


Annual Digital Subscription (GST inclusive)

The Successful Mind for School, Work and Life is a 10-session course designed for upper secondary students to prepare them for their final years in school, pre-employment and part-time work, and life beyond school.

04.b The Successful Mind for School, Work and Life Student Handbook (secondary years 9 – 12) is required for each participating student.

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Dr Michael E. Bernard and Patricia C. Bernard

Target Audience

Teachers, career educators, school counsellors and those concerned with the personal and social development of students in secondary year 9 – 12


the 10 elements of a successful mind

A distinctive feature of this course is its suitability to be delivered in career education classes with content linked to the CORE Skills for Work framework.

There is a psychological and neuro-scientific research-based foundation of the successful mind course. The collective work of cognitive-behavioural psychologists (Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, Martin Seligman, Carol Dweck, Angela Duckworth) has identified a range of positive and negative attitudes that determine how people think (self-talk), feel and behave. CASEL and ACARA have identified core social-emotional skills incorporated in this program: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social management.

A successful mind is strengthened in young people through various learning activities employed in this course, including structured learning activities combined with small group interaction, discussion and application.

The Leader’s Guide is purchased together with copies of 04.b The Successful Mind for School, Work and Life Student Handbook (secondary years 9 – 12) for each participating student.

The Successful Mind for School, Work and Life student handbook cover

$21.00 each


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00. Accepting Myself. How to Help Young People Feel Worthwhile No Matter What (Ages 9 – 16+)

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05. You Can Do It! Education Resource Book: What it is. Why we need it. How to do it.

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