
09. Coaching Teachers and Parents to Build Social-Emotional Strengths of Students with Achievement, Behaviour and Mental Health Issues


Annual Digital Subscription (GST inclusive)

A complete set of tools for teachers and parents to use with students identified by school staff as being at risk.

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Dr Michael E. Bernard

Target Audience

Psychologists, counsellors, student wellbeing/welfare and others concerned with the development of individual behaviour management and learning programs and who provide support to teachers and parents


“For many years, I worked as an Educational Psychologist in primary and secondary schools with students who presented with social-emotional difficulties, including anxiety, feeling down and issues in anger management. I also worked extensively with students referred for problems of motivation and underachievement. I used cognitive-behavioural, rational-emotive methods on a 1:1 basis with students. I also consulted with their teachers and parents, who were anxious about them and, quite frankly, did not know what to do. A lot of what I discovered I have summarised in this online program for you to use with your students.”​

The sections of this coaching program include


02. Program Achieve Primary. A Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum (years 1 – 6)
06. Bullying – The Power to Cope (years 4 – 9)
07. Attitudes and Behaviours for Learning (AB4L): A Professional Development Program to Offer at Your School

11. You Can Do It! Home School Parent Education Program

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